St. Antonius Hospital

The St. Antonius Hospital is a modern top clinical educational hospital, where practically all specialisms are represented. The hospital is known nationwide for its treatment of patients with heart, and lung diseases. Apart from that many doctors and nurses are trained here.


The hospital was looking for a reliable partner to develop an innovative and secure image, audio and video system solution, and to integrate this system seamlessly into the hospital’s existing infrastructure. Video conferencing is particularly beneficial in improving engagement between employees, and was central to the package.


The St. Antonius Hospital has five locations in and about Utrecht. The doctors of these locations need to meet twice a day, to share information, and to transfer information from the day shift to the night shift and vice versa. An average of 30 doctors and doctors in training attend these transfers, divided over three locations.By the means of two screens, the doctors can both see each other and simultaneously share patient files on screen through videoconferencing. Apart from that, AVEX has provided many rooms with modern audiovisual equipment, and we take care of the camera registration during live surgery. Complex operations are filmed in the operation room. The operation can then be followed live from the auditorium or anywhere else in the Netherlands or abroad.

  • Audiovisual systems and videoconferencing in the meeting rooms
  • Audiovisual systems in the college rooms of the St. Antonius Academy
  • Narrowcasting television screens throughout the hospital
  • Television screens in the hospital rooms
  • Camera registration during tijdens live surgery


You want more information about the applied solutions? Then contact us for an appointment, free of obligation.

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