35 YEARS Reliable. Innovative. Committed.

NS Kiosks digital displays realised by AVEX


Already more than 100 outlets throughout Dutch train stations smoothly equipped with digital screens.

Are you looking for an experienced partner to install audiovisual solutions in your retail environment? Then take a look at this reference case from AVEX. We realised the smooth installation of digital screens in already more than 100 NS Kiosk & Julia’s outlets for the Dutch Railways.

The challenge: smooth installation without disrupting the retail environment

NS Kiosk & Julia’s, with a wide range of convenience and fresh food products, faced the challenge of equipping their 125+ outlets with modern audiovisual solutions. However, the installation of these systems had to take place without disturbing the shop environment and the daily work of employees and, of course, travellers.

The solution: customisation and smart logistics

AVEX tackled this challenge with a combination of customisation and smart logistics. For the installation of the screens, we developed special trolleys that were pre-loaded at AVEX with all the necessary materials. This allowed the technicians to transport the screens to the right location efficiently and without extra lugging, even via the NS platform lifts.

The result: an optimal customer experience

Thanks to the fast and efficient installation by AVEX, the new audiovisual systems at NS Kiosk & Julia’s were able to go live quickly. The digital screens now inform customers about current offers, products and services, leading to an improved customer experience and higher sales.


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AVEX: your partner for audiovisual solutions in retail

Also looking for a professional partner for the realisation of your audiovisual project in retail? AVEX has extensive experience in designing, installing and maintaining audiovisual systems for a variety of retail companies. Contact us for a consultation without any obligation.

Why choose AVEX Retail Solutions?

  • Expertise: The perfect screen for every location, quick and easy installation, content management with training and adoption.
  • Customisation: We create solutions that perfectly fit your unique needs and budget.
  • Experience: We have a proven track record in the retail sector and work with renowned brands.
  • Unburdening: We take care of the entire project, from design to installation and maintenance.

Want to learn more?

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