7 considerations about Skype4B in your meeting room

Rutger Zeldenrijk, Productmanager


A big issue at many organizations is what to do in their meeting room with Skype for Business (Lync). The Skype4B experience works great at employees personal devices, but is unfit for the meeting room.

Group use requires larger displays, better sound, camera’s, microphones, etc.  Traditionally this has been the space where videoconferencing vendors offer the best solutions, but this is no longer true for all situations. Total Skype4B-based solutions like the Surface Hub and Skype/Lync Room Systems, but also lots of peripherals products (e.g. ClearOne, Jabra, Logitech) which enhances a user’s laptop for group use – have entered this market space.

Before you go out there to consider your options for Skype4B in the meeting room, answer the following questions first:

  • Per room: what is the use case? E.g. meeting / conferencing, brainstorming, remote teamwork?
  • Per room: what is the group- and room size?
  • What Skype4B version is your organization using? Server or Online?
  • Should the user interface be Skype4B-based?
  • Should the room have its own standalone setup or does the user bring its own laptop with Skype4B client to the room?
  • What content sources do you want to have supported? E.g. company network drives, USB stick, wired or wireless device connectivity?
  • What’s the budget?
One more remark: there isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution out there, so create the best mix of solutions which fit your organization’s different use cases.

Would you like to know more?

Contact Rutger, he can tell you more.

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