
In an auditorium image and sound are essential factors. It is of foremost importance that a speaker is clearly audible and a presentation clearly visible. This involves also the equipment’s reliability.

Due to its many years of experience in this field AVEX is able to provide you with excellent information about HD projection with high grade lighting performance, sound reproduction and debate systems. Furthermore there are various possibilities for integrating remotely controlled video-cameras. By means of modern software and simulation techniques we are able to previously map speech understandability produced by the designed system at any location of a given space, in order to ensure clear audibility within the entire frequency range. We are also able to equip the auditorium’s direction room. Do you want more information on this subject or would you like to know which type of audio-visual system is suitable for your auditorium? Please contact us. We would like to assist you in your choice.

Audiovisual Integration

Would you like to know more about the possibilities we can offer? Please contact us, we're happy to help.

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